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Just Like Us with Dr. Rick Quinn | S1E12
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Cooking and our Closest Cousins with Dr. Richard Wrangham | S1E13
Can’t listen? Read the transcript below….. Dr. Richard Wrangham: Once you are able to control fire to the point where you can use it both to cook and to keep yourself warm, that means that you are shifting from a chimpanzee-like animal to a human-like animal. Gerry Ellis: Welcome to talking Apes….

Exploring the Hearts of our Chimp and Gorilla Cousins with Dr Rob Shave | S1E15
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The Mystery of the Leopard-Eating Bili-Apes with Cleve Hicks & Toni Romani | S3E48
Dr Hicks and colleagues examine ground-nests in the rainforest. Toni Romani tests out the chimp nests! GET DOWN YOUNG MAN! One of the honey-pounding tools Cleve and his team found in Ngotto. You wouldn’t like to see that heading towards your house if you were a bee! Cleve lies next to a variation of chimp…

Passion & Pragmatism: a Search for Orangutan Survival with Leif Cocks | S1E14
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