‘Sincerely, A Black Primatologist’ with Thomas Wilson | S3E49

‘Sincerely, A Black Primatologist’ with Thomas Wilson | S3E49

Thomas is a PHD student at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Click HERE to see Thomas’ open letter ‘Sincerely, a Black Primatologist: An open letter to biological anthropologists highlighting the experiences of a black primatologist.’ The Black in BioAnth (BiBA) Collective seeks to provide a community and support system for biological anthropologists who navigate the…

The Mystery of the Leopard-Eating Bili-Apes with Cleve Hicks & Toni Romani | S3E48

The Mystery of the Leopard-Eating Bili-Apes with Cleve Hicks & Toni Romani | S3E48

Dr Hicks and colleagues examine ground-nests in the rainforest.  Toni Romani tests out the chimp nests! GET DOWN YOUNG MAN! One of the honey-pounding tools Cleve and his team found in Ngotto. You wouldn’t like to see that heading towards your house if you were a bee! Cleve lies next to a variation of chimp…

Woman hugs a young gorilla in an enclosure

The Tiny Gorilla Who Changed My Life Forever, With Rachel Hogan | S2E29

Photo courtesy ©Jo-Anne McArthur/WeAnimals.org *IMPORTANT NOTE: This photo created in 2009, prior to wearing of gloves and mask now required. The gorilla featured in the photo (2009) is a rescued victim of poaching and wildlife trafficking and is undergoing rehabilitation. Primates are wild animals and not pets, and we do not condone human contact with…

a gorilla in black and white raises its hands behind glass

Exploring the Intimate and Evocative Primate Photography of Anne Berry

In a world of millions of photographs, we are inundated by images daily, and most people scroll by with little acknowledgement except click, like… click, like. But some photographs deserve more; they demand a long, slow look to really see their beauty and deeply appreciate their meaning.  In our latest episode of Talking Apes Podcast,…

ORANGUTANS IN THE SPOTLIGHT with Veterinarian Nigel Hicks

Talking Apes Podcast puts Orangutans In The Spotlight for Orangutan Caring Week.  Orangutan Caring Week takes place every mid November to celebrate our beautiful and extraordinarily intelligent orange cousins. It’s also a time for raising awareness regarding the threats they face because, tragically, their numbers continue to plummet as vast areas of tropical rainforest are…

smiling woman holding a dog

Saving Great Apes Beyond Sanctuary Walls with PASA Director Kelly O’Meara | S2E25

[mks_button size=”large” title=”Visit Giving Day for Apes Website” style=”rounded” url=”https://givingdayforapes.org” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#c62e2e” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”0″] [mks_button size=”large” title=”Visit PASA” style=”rounded” url=”https://PASA.org” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#c62e2e” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”0″]