Exploring the Hearts of our Chimp and Gorilla Cousins with Dr Rob Shave | S1E15
[mks_button size=”large” title=”International Primate Heart Project” style=”rounded” url=”http://primateheartproject.co.uk/” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#000000″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”0″] Can’t listen? Read the transcript below! Gerry: Your heart. You never think about that endless rhythm unless it skips a beat. The human heart is said to be the hardest working muscle in the body, but how did that extraordinary…

Just Like Us with Dr. Rick Quinn | S1E12
[mks_button size=”large” title=”Learn More About Just Like Us” style=”rounded” url=”https://www.docs4greatapes.org/initiatives/just-like-us-book/” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#c62e2e” txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”” icon_type=”” nofollow=”0″]

Bonobos and Survival of the Friendliest with Dr Brian Hare | S1E1
You can read the transcript for this episode below Gerry: Have you ever thought about how friendly you are or how your self-domestication is coming along? And what if kids, not adults, males or females, swayed the tides of power ranking in society? For answers to those and many more questions about who…