Get Ready to Look Ape-solutely GORGEOUS: Talking Apes Merchandise is Here!

Get Ready to Look Ape-solutely GORGEOUS: Talking Apes Merchandise is Here!

FINALLY! Talking Apes is thrilled to announce the launch of our merchandise store. The collection features cozy pullover sweaters, snazzy hoodies, and T-shirts, all proudly displaying the Talking Apes logo. Slip into these comfy garments and let the world know that you’re a part of something big – a movement to protect our fellow primates…

Talking Apes Podcast Dives Back into the Extraordinary World of Chimp Empire’s Ngogo Forest

Talking Apes Podcast Dives Back into the Extraordinary World of Chimp Empire’s Ngogo Forest

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey as Talking Apes gears up to celebrate the fifth World Chimpanzee Day on July 14th. To mark this special occasion, we are thrilled to announce the release of a four-part podcast series, The Making of Chimp Empire. Get ready to re-immerse yourself in the captivating world of Ngogo…

Our Host, Gerry, joins Marilyn Ball on Speaking of Travel Podcast.

Our Host, Gerry, joins Marilyn Ball on Speaking of Travel Podcast.

Gerry was recently invited to tell his fascinating life stories on Speaking of Travel: an IHeart Radio show and global podcast. Host Marilyn Ball speaks to people from around the world about their uplifting and encouraging travel experiences. Speaking of Travel is also having an impact in bringing awareness to the travel and tourism industry…

Talking Apes Host, Gerry, speaks on Pangolin: The Conservation Podcast

Talking Apes Host, Gerry, speaks on Pangolin: The Conservation Podcast

A few months back we invited Jack Baker, host of the wonderful, wildlife-packed Pangolin: The Conservation Podcast to come and chat about his love for all creatures great and small. Scotland’s favourite pangolin maniac has returned the favour and shared his platform with us in a wonderful two-part series featuring our own host, Gerry. Catch them…

‘There shouldn’t be laws that condone and protect extreme violence against billions of animals every day.’ Our Discussion with Jo-Anne McArthur

‘There shouldn’t be laws that condone and protect extreme violence against billions of animals every day.’ Our Discussion with Jo-Anne McArthur

Photo from Jo-Anne McArthur’s book, HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene, ©We Animals Media This wont be the easiest podcast episode you’ve ever listened to. That’s because it holds up a dark mirror that many of us simply refuse to look into. Talking Apes isn’t always just about apes. It’s about trying to address some of…

a gorilla in black and white raises its hands behind glass

Exploring the Intimate and Evocative Primate Photography of Anne Berry

In a world of millions of photographs, we are inundated by images daily, and most people scroll by with little acknowledgement except click, like… click, like. But some photographs deserve more; they demand a long, slow look to really see their beauty and deeply appreciate their meaning.  In our latest episode of Talking Apes Podcast,…

Baby orangutan looking cute

Talking Apes Podcast puts Orangutans In The Spotlight for Orangutan Caring Week. 

Orangutan Caring Week takes place every mid November to celebrate our beautiful and extraordinarily intelligent orange cousins. It’s also a time for raising awareness regarding the threats they face because, tragically, their numbers continue to plummet as vast areas of tropical rainforest are felled, burned, and converted to plantations for commodities like palm-oil. Unless these…